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  • Coal to gas conversion site (click to enter)
Coal to gas conversion site (click to enter)

Category:On site coal to gas boiler conversion

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  • 售后QQ: 點擊這里給我發(fā)消息

When using fuel oil for fuel gas quick installation boilers, light diesel oil is generally used as fuel; When using gas, coal gas, natural gas, and liquefied gas can generally be used as fuels. It is widely used in hospitals, textile factories, clothing factories, large garment factories, printing and dyeing factories, hotels, canteens, restaurants, food factories, beverage factories, soy product factories, meat product factories, canning factories, distilleries, pharmaceutical factories, packaging factories, building materials factories, paint factories, swimming pools and other enterprise and public institution places.

Performance advantages:

  Low cost:

The implementation of the West East Gas Pipeline has led to a decrease in natural gas prices and a corresponding reduction in fuel costs; This type of boiler has high combustion efficiency, saves fuel, and has low investment costs for purchasing fuel; Full edge butt welds ensure a long safe service life and low maintenance costs for boilers.


The tail is equipped with a flue gas condensation and recovery device, which can effectively control the exhaust gas temperature and improve the thermal efficiency of the boiler; Adopting a fully automatic burner, the water supply is continuously electrically regulated, resulting in high combustion efficiency.

Safe and stable:

Design multiple protection functions such as overheating, overpressure, water shortage, leak detection, and shutdown to ensure safe and reliable operation of the boiler.

Space saving:

Adopting a quick installation structure, the entire boiler is designed on a highly rigid base for easy installation and transportation, saving space in the boiler room.
